Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

My House

I'm a queen in my small house
I'm a princess in my space
just do what i want to do
just sing what i want to sing
just play what i want to play
just eat what i want to eat
just wear what i want to wear
no more faking
no more understanding
no more..... hurt...
no more..... feeling...
me in my house
once again i'm the Queen


why don't feel my heart
why don't hear my mind
why don't see my suffer
why don't smell the problem
why don't react
why just wait
why you make me mad

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012


just enjoy...........................................

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


I always love rain....
Is always sound like musical in my ear...
every drop of the rain..
meaning for something..
that what GOD given to us,,,
just gratefull for everything....
Rain.... Rain...Rain.....
please bring me luck........

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012


Sometime is better to silence....
SO quite and Don;t hear a thing...
My ear become numb
And My eyes didn't see...
Silence is the best way to hear the brain voices...
To hear your heart voice
To hear your madness and your sadness....
just SileNt.....

Senin, 02 Januari 2012


I believe every person have two heart
that's why people do Poligami or worst Polyandri.....
But I guess not everybody so lucky...
sometime they have their love till the death do us apart...
But back in the reality....
it's just your decision that you can never go back....
Soulmate is when you close your eyes is his face that you see....
And Lifemate is when you open your eyes there he is beside me.....


it's 2020 good number easy to remember but from  the start theres a lot of trouble maybe God is become Anger If you want God to ...