Minggu, 07 April 2013
Jumat, 08 Maret 2013
Play With Fire
I'm Play With Fire...
And I Think It's Very Danger
And I'm Scared this isn't gonna Over
But I Still Want To Play With Fire....
Only you can turn off this fire..
But you just don't come along
And I Think I'm In Big Trouble
Finally Everything gonna be a Dust
And theres anything Left
But Regret
But Too Late
I Know
I Do
And I Take A Chance...
And I Think It's Very Danger
And I'm Scared this isn't gonna Over
But I Still Want To Play With Fire....
Only you can turn off this fire..
But you just don't come along
And I Think I'm In Big Trouble
Finally Everything gonna be a Dust
And theres anything Left
But Regret
But Too Late
I Know
I Do
And I Take A Chance...
Minggu, 20 Januari 2013
Gw bisa bilang isi hati gw ke dia...
lega rasanya...
at least dia tahu..
dan gw gapeduli apa jawaban dia...
semuanya jadi lebih rileks..
omongan kita jg jadi lebih nyambung...
ga ada beban lagi...
semua lebih jelas...
thanks ya..
lo dah jadi cowok yang baik...
thats why my heart choose you....
Gw bisa bilang isi hati gw ke dia...
lega rasanya...
at least dia tahu..
dan gw gapeduli apa jawaban dia...
semuanya jadi lebih rileks..
omongan kita jg jadi lebih nyambung...
ga ada beban lagi...
semua lebih jelas...
thanks ya..
lo dah jadi cowok yang baik...
thats why my heart choose you....
Selasa, 15 Januari 2013
The One Who Got Away...
The Time is never can't go back...
Regret is too late...
Move On....
He have his life...
And is too selfish to make his mine..
I have my life..
That I Choose Several years ago..
And I have too face up...
Every Deicision I've made...
Be Happy...
Many People arround me...
Just Happy With Any Condition
So please my heart..
make a peace with my mind
make the shadow gone..
and i can live my life...
Regret is too late...
Move On....
He have his life...
And is too selfish to make his mine..
I have my life..
That I Choose Several years ago..
And I have too face up...
Every Deicision I've made...
Be Happy...
Many People arround me...
Just Happy With Any Condition
So please my heart..
make a peace with my mind
make the shadow gone..
and i can live my life...
Minggu, 13 Januari 2013
Postingan (Atom)
it's 2020 good number easy to remember but from the start theres a lot of trouble maybe God is become Anger If you want God to ...
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Indonesia merupakan negeri yang kaya dengan segala sumber daya alamnya, terutama dari sektor pertanian, perkebunan dan kelautan, untuk mem...
I trust a lot on you You are my soul You are my future I don't want to see you fall I know it is not easy to be you in your age ...