Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016


I trust a lot on you
You are my soul
You are my future
I don't want to see you fall

I know it is not easy to be you
in your age
you think friend is everything
you feel comfert with them
and you think i'm your enemy

But it is not
when you fall
when you brake
when you lost
I'm the only on who will be there for you

One by one your friend will leave you
Even when a man say he wiil be there for you it's a lie
You will feel you are alone
when you are realize everything I would do for you

When I'm Mad
When I'm Cry
When I hate myself for being a monster to you
When I must look after you all the time
When I'm worrying about you
When I Feel all you do is wrong....

It is only becouse I'm Your Mother
I just want you to be better......


it's 2020 good number easy to remember but from  the start theres a lot of trouble maybe God is become Anger If you want God to ...